RED Team

RED Team

Project RED was created by a team of education and industry professionals who have a passion for transforming education. Collectively, we think it’s time to revolutionize education.

Together, we conducted the most comprehensive national study of education technology. Now, our research findings have inspired us to form a transformational learning community to help accelerate the progress already being made in using technology to improve education. Will you join us?

Thomas Greaves

Chairman, The Greaves Group, Co-Author, Americas Digital Schools, is recognized as a visionary in the conceptualization, design, engineering and marketing of technologies for schools. He holds multiple patents and patent disclosures for student computing technologies and has been involved in hundreds of 1:1 computing projects at the district, state and federal level. Full bio.


Leslie Wilson

CEO, One-to-One Institute, Co-Author, A Guidebook for Change, As a founding member of the One-to-One Institute, Leslie Wilson provides strong collaboration skills and knowledge about one-to-one computing to Project RED. Ms. Wilson has extensively authored and presented around 21st century teaching/learning/leadership, one-to-one best practices and research. Full bio


Jeanne Hayes

President, The Hayes Connection, Co-Author, America’s Digital Schools, Jeanne Hayes brings 30 years of strategic education insights to Project RED. With a background as an educator, Ms. Hayes founded Quality Education Data (QED), served as a Vice President for Scholastic before establishing the Hayes Connection, an education consulting organization. Ms. Hayes is a frequent speaker at nationwide conferences about instructional technology and other education issues. Full bio


Michael Gielniak

Ph.D., Director of Programs and Development, One-to-One Institute, Co-Author, A Guidebook for Change Michael Gielniak oversees marketing strategies, development, and key programs and services for the One-to-One Institute. A Fulbright Scholar and an Emmy Award winner, Dr. Gielniak has worked in education for more than 25 years, including as executive director for the Center for Creative Learning and Teaching. Full bio.