Our district has been in discussion phases for this question as well. We've researched other 1:1 district policies for loss/theft and I see a few things that have helped with our conversations. First, we know our clientele. We are 59% F/R and know that this will be a burden to many families. We also know that, with our insurance we are covered up to a point. I'll provide our insurance information in a separate post. We are relying on practices and procedures to be implemented that will eliminate some of the potential loss or stolen device issues. We are giving students administrative rights to their Lenovo X230 laptop tablet. Our research and site visits have reassured us that, the more ownership students have for their device, the more protective they are with it. In addition, if we are truly transforming the way that we deliver instruction from teacher-centered to student-centered, then a laptop will be the tool that is used to conduct daily learning. Without a device it will be difficult for students to learn. That goes back to ownership as well.
In a nearby district of the same size and demographics, their loss/theft is two out of nearly 700. Their Apple Care insurance paid for the replacements.
I have a suggestion for a resource. (Student/Parent Handbook with Loss/Stolen information) Kansas City North School District: Check out their 1:1 site
KC North